We Are an Emphatic NO on the Recall of Gov. Newsom

This week we joined 25 other organizations and community leaders representing various constituencies, issues, and regions in the state to take an emphatic stance in opposition to the recall of Governor Newsom.

As an Orange County based organization led by Young Latinxs, it is not lost on us that this initiative has received a lot of its energy from the anti-mask and white supramacist protests that have defined Orange County in the public imagination over the last year. 

This made taking a position important, and we arrived at one after internal and public discussion about the merits of the recall attempt, and the central role of far right fringe groups have played in channeling the anxieties and the uncertainties all of us have felt during the COVID-19 pandemic to push through an extremist agenda that runs in total opposition to the vision for California our communities have been working toward for decades.

For us and our members, this recall is not about Governor Newsom. Far from it.

This recall is about us. It is about the desire of a small, but well funded, group of people to overturn the gains our communities have made toward immigrant rights, criminal justice reform, and expanding the social safety net to guarantee a better quality of life for the many. This recall is an attempt to wall off our potential to make even greater gains toward a more just and equitable California.

 For these reasons we emphatically say NO to the recall.

Hairo Cortes

Hairo Cortes

is the Founder and outgoing Executive Director of Chispa.